Courses are open to law enforcement officers and agencies only. Pre-registration is required.

Reserve Seat

Let us know if you are looking for specific training and we'll add you to the contact list.

You will receive confirmation of enrollment within two weeks of the start date.

Your agency will be billed upon the start date of the course and your attendance is observed. We delay billing to ensure student attendance and minimize college refund procedures. If you are paying for this class privately, you will be invoiced at the start of the class.

  • Instructor Development Course (IDC)

    Prerequisite course for anyone wishing to become certified as a WI DOJ Training and Standards-level Instructor. Instructor Development Course (IDC) must be completed prior to your enrollment in any Unified Tactic Instructor Course. IDC is also a great course to have if you develop agency training, presentations or skill testing.

    Sessions: 8am-5pm

    September 16-19, 2024 - Instructor Monica Barman
    October 21-24, 2024 - Instructor Mark Hahn
    December 2-5, 2024 - Instructor Lisa Wilson

    Cost: $135
    Location: Public Safety Training Facility, W2140 Krause Rd., Columbus, WI
    Equipment: Note-taking materials, Laptop - Required

  • Vehicle Contacts Instructor

    This course is designed to meet the requirements for Vehicle Contacts Instructor certification through the WI DOJ-LESB. Learn the legal basis for making vehicle contacts; how to conduct a threat assessment to help determine the appropriate type of contact; and, how to conduct different types of vehicle contacts, how to coach students, manage the classroom, and manage practical skills training. You will use these skills to instruct and conduct vehicle contact scenarios in a safe and effective learning environment.

    Required: Must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course before attending, or be a currently-certified LESB Instructor. You must be a certified officer with at least three years of experience.



    Cost: $125
    Location: Madison College Public Safety Training Facility, W2140 Krause Rd. Columbus, WI 53925
    Instructors: Monica Barman, Lucas Killick & J.F. “Harry” Barger
    Equipment: Laptop, thumb drive, agency policy, duty belt, training attire, training weapon. NO LIVE AMMO. Vehicles for training provided by the College. You may bring a department emergency vehicle.

  • 2023-2025 Biennial Pursuit training

    This 4-hour 2023-2025 Biennial Pursuit training will address a number of issues affecting public and officer safety. It will include: reviewing basic EVOC skills that might be used during emergency response and/or pursuits, review driver behaviors and reactions due to stress while driving in the emergency mode, reviewing the steps for conducting a high-risk contact at the end of a pursuit, and reviewing how to conduct a non-traditional high-risk contact due to unusual position of the suspect vehicle following a PIT maneuver, moving roadblock, or crash, review pursuit reporting, review legal issues, review officer safety issues, review use-of-force issues related to pursuit and the interventions that may be applicable.

    Note: Officers must have completed the 2021-2023 LESB curriculum by June 30, 2023, in order to be eligible to take the 2023-2025 curriculum. 
    Required: Departments are encouraged to bring their own squads for the training.  If this is not possible, we do have vehicles.  Note: Officers must have completed the 2021-2023 LESB curriculum by June 30, 2023, in order to be eligible to take the 2023-2025 curriculum. 


    October 21, 2024, 1200-1600


    Cost: $45
    Location: Public Safety Training Facility Room A103

       W2140 Krause Rd. Columbus, WI 53925

    Instructor: Lucas Killick & Harry Barger

    Equipment:  Department squad, Duty gear and training weapons

    Hours:  4

  • EVOC Instructor

    This Emergency Vehicle Operation and Control (EVOC) class is intended to provide you with the necessary skills and certification to instruct EVOC based on Wisconsin Training and Standards Bureau criteria. You will learn and become competent in developing training curriculum, managing the classroom, setting up and managing practical skills exercises, coaching students, vehicle dynamics, liability issues, policy review and development, fleet management and more.

    We have multiple training vehicles to give each student exposure to pursuit-rated operations in Dodge sedans, Chevy sedans, Ford Interceptors and Ford Interceptor SUV.

    Required: Must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course before attending, OR be a currently-certified LESB instructor. Must be a certified officer with at least three years of experience.



    Cost: $175
    Location: Madison College Public Safety Training Facility, W2140 Krause Rd. Columbus, WI 53925

    Instructors: Monica Barman, J.F. “Harry” Barger & Lucas Killick

    Equipment: Laptop, thumb drive, agency policy, duty belt, training attire, training weapon. No live ammo. Vehicles for training provided by college. You may bring an agency emergency vehicle.

  • Firearms Instructor

    This course provides basic LESB Handgun and Rifle Instructor Certification. In this class, students will master basic firearms competency skills, identify and correct problem shooters, development range programs and skill enhancement programs, and perform agency policy assessments and improvements.

    Required: Must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course before attending, OR be a currently-certified LESB instructor, and have 3 years full-time experience.  To attend, must apply via form DJ-LE-336 (include completed Skills Competency Checklist for handgun and rifle).

    Date:   TBD

    Cost: $ 250
    Instructors: Dan Horvatin & Ryan Volenberg

    Equipment: Body armor, ball cap, eye and ear protection, laptop and thumb drive, agency policy on firearms and training, duty belt, duty weapon, duty patrol rifle/sling, and training attire. Students will need 1250 rounds of handgun ammunition and 750 rounds of rifle ammunition.

  • Defensive Tactics Instructor

    This course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a LESB Defensive Tactics (includes DAAT and POSC) instructor.

    Required: Must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course before attending, OR be a currently-certified LESB instructor, and have 3 years full-time experience.


    Sumemr 2025

    Time: 8 am - 5 pm
    Cost: $415
    Location: Madison College Public Safety Training Facility, W2140 Krause Rd.  Columbus, WI  53925
    Instructor: Ben Poller
    Equipment: Duty belt and vest, minus any weapons or live ammo. Bring your expandable baton if you have one, we'll be covering them later in the week. If you have red man or blue man training gun, please bring it to class. Cup and mouth guard will be required to participate in class.  No Live Ammo

    Total hours: 96

Regularly offered topics include:

  • Interrogation Techniques
  • Vehicle Contacts Instructor Course
  • Instructor Development Course (IDC)
  • International Police Mountain Bike Association Basic Certification
  • HR218 - by request
  • Basic Drug Identification

Reserve Seat

Contact the School of Human and Protective Services

Madison Truax Campus
Protective Services Building, 100

1701 Pearson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53704


  • Monday – Thursday 8 am - 5 pm
  • Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm